Navigating the Design to Manufacture Journey

March 10, 2020
i4pd joins Knowledge Transfer Network and Product Design Scotland in Navigating the Design to Manufacture Journey.

Can't make the event? SUBSCRIBE NOW, and we will send you a recap with exclusive i4pd lessons learned.

Turning an idea into a scalable, commercial product is a challenge that faces many entrepreneurs, innovators and SMEs.  This week we will join client Vicky Hamilton, Founder of Recoil Kneepads alongside organisers Knowledge Transfer Network and Product Design Scotland at their event in Glasgow to explore how to navigate the design to manufacture journey. 

The event will look at how to define the specific requirements designers and manufacturers care about to establish good relationships and processes that will avoid costly, time consuming changes further along the development process.

SUBSCRIBE NOW for exclusive i4pd guidance on the #DesignforManufacture process.

Navigating the Design to Manufacture Journey
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